
Project 2 - L'Oceanogràfic - Johnson

Image Process: 1. Create a new conceptual mass family and model this building parametrically. 2. Bring the mass family into a Revit project.   3. Use wall by face to create curtain panel walls underneath the roofs. 4. Due to the geometry of the mass, roof by face was not able to work, so I had to use wall by face to create the roof structure. But instead of the curtain panel walls, I used a solid wall mass.  5. Open and create a new Dynamo file.  6. My goals were to add color to this project. I wanted to apply color to the roof, randomize the size of the curtain panels, and apply color to the curtain panels. I was able to do this through multiple sets of nodes in Dynamo.  7. The task was to apply color overrides to the roof structure. Below is a screenshot of the process: 8. There was some trial and error with this ...

Project 1 - Walt Disney Concert Hall - Johnson

  photo from: ad-classics-walt-disney-concert-hall-frank-gehry  Modeling Process: Due to the complex curves that are found in the Walt Disney Concert Hall, a conceptual mass needs to be created in order to create walls and roofs that mimic this form.  1. Create a new conceptual mass family 2. Copy in a floor plan for the building 3. Start tracing the curves with the spline tool 4. Create solid mass forms based on each volume 5. Use the control points to modify the shape to mimic the original building form 6. Once the bulk of the form is complete, start adding parametric parameters to the volumes                    -The two front facade walls at the main entrance were given height parameters                    -The front tower was given a height parameter                    -Th...